

Heart Parenting
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Music to Enhance Mind & Soul


KINDERMUSIK - Shaping Young
Lives Through Music
by Mary Rudy

I read a Newsweek article entitled "Your Child's Brain" that revealed some of the latest science on how music impacts brain development. Scientists now agree with Plato who once said that music is the most potent influence on education. They have discovered that good music trains the brain for higher forms of thinking by stimulating neural connections related to abstract reasoning, language development, self-esteem, and visual as well as aural skills.

Music and the Brain
If more educators kept up with brain research, scientists contend, music and gym would become daily requirements. The early years are especially key. Children whose neural circuits are not stimulated with the right kind of music before kindergarten will suffer a loss and not develop in ways they would have otherwise. Phyllis Weikart, a music and movement specialist as well as a researcher found that, "first graders who could walk to a steady beat scored better in reading, vocabulary and math in the California Achievement Test."

When children are introduced to fine music at an early age, they also experience greater ease in taking up an instrument later. Singing, moving to rhythms, refining listening and playing instruments allow children to learn musical concepts that are foundational for future music study. These activities help them to develop physical coordination, timing, memory, concentration and listening skills. Researchers have even found that music has an influence on a child's social and emotional maturation, their capacity for self-discipline, shared work, and self-expression.

Experts believe that music works its magic on the brain by strengthening key neural pathways in the cortex, where spatial reasoning occurs. Singing or playing melodies helps children to do better at putting the pieces together in situations that require problem-solving skills. Research has shown that musical aptitude is established by age 8. They have found that the most important developmental age is between birth and age 3, the second most crucial period between ages 3 and 5, and the final crucial period for rapid development between ages 5 and 9. These three sensitive "learning windows" for musical development are captured in a revolutionary music instruction program called Kindermusik.

What is Kindermusik?
Kindermusik is a unique, structured program for early childhood music development that promotes an optimal learning environment. Kindermusik originated approximately 27 years ago in Germany, was inspired by other childhood education specialists like Montessori, Kodaly and Orff, and incorporated the latest scientific findings. Through classical and traditional folk music from many different cultures, Kindermusik successfully nurtures a life-long love of music. Kindermusik is now taught in all fifty states and thirteen foreign countries with 1800 teachers worldwide.

Whether listening to music, moving to rhythm, singing a song, playing an instrument, creating or reading music, Kindermusik focuses on process rather than performance! This allows children to discover music in a nonthreatening and joyous environment. Over the years, Kindermusik has evolved into a three part curriculum that spans the ages of 18 months to 7 years.

KINDERMUSIK BEGINNINGS is designed for the 18-month to 3-year-olds as a four semester, two year program. Children spend 1/2 hour a week either singing, dancing, listening to music or playing a simple percussion instrument. Parents attend with their children. This time fosters love of music. Beautiful home materials and cassettes encourage the musical experience to become part of family life which fosters a musical bond between parent and child. One of my Kindermusik parents, Robin Morris, expressed, "We love these classes. Music is now as much a part of Emma's life as it is mine. Emma sings all the time, tapping out rhythms, and making up her own verses."

GROWING WITH KINDERMUSIK for 3 and 4-year-olds consists of two semesters of weekly 45-minute lessons. Parents are invited for the last portion of each class. Through singing and vocal development, listening to music, playing instruments, and creative movement, children explore musical concepts at a developmentally appropriate level in an enjoyable environment. Classes come with a colorful picture songbook, audiotapes and weekly home activities like drum-making. Four-year-old Jonathan Norel's mother says, "Jonathan looks forward to it all week."

The final curriculum, KINDERMUSIK FOR THE YOUNG CHILD, is a 2-year program for children ages 4-1/2 to 7. It consists of 75-minute weekly classes that center around experiencing the many facets of music. These include singing and speaking, refined listening to beautiful music from many cultures, creative movement, dance, learning about orchestras, playing various percussion instruments, and learning to read, write and compose music. During the second year, the child learns basic notation, musical form and composition in a sequenced, hands-on approach that conveys a love of creating music. "Katelyn enjoys writing compositions at home now and making up new words for songs," says Cindy Truex. "This class has opened the world of music for my daughter."

Children learn to play the glockenspiel, an instrument similar to a small xylophone with notes engraved on the bars. The glockenspiel prepares the child for keyboard instruction and the bars are laid out like piano keys. "What I like most about Kindermusik is all of the prelearning that takes place," says Nancy Milligan, mother of a Kindermusik graduate with another child in Kinder-musik. "It shows up later when they study an instrument." Kindermusik classes feature lively activities. Students, for instance, wiggle like caterpillars or lumber like bears to the appropriate rhythms, later matching the rhythm to its notation.

"The lessons are very well researched and planned," says Patricia Gronback, a long-time piano teacher who recently began Kindermusik programs in her East Coast studio. She said that Kindermusik can help parents discover whether their child is ready to pursue the study of a musical instrument. Piano and voice teacher Marcia McCarry adds, "Children who have taken Kindermusik learn faster, and understand rhythm, phrasing and melody better. They sing with good pitch and really excel when they start lessons. It's a good preparation that helps their concentration and coordination no matter what sort of musical experience they have later."

Kindermusik parent Julie Shepard-Lovell sums it up: "My children and I have really enjoyed the music and merriment during our weekly Kindermusik classes. They get so excited when they learn new songs, movements and dances."

To find out about a KinderMusic center or classes in your area call KinderMusic International at 1-800-628-5687.

Mary Rudy has a degree in psychology and has taken advanced Kindermusik training under Dr. Lorna Heyge, founder of Kindermusik. A certified Montessori teacher, she specializes in Early Childhood Music and Orff for the elementary age group. She teaches piano, recorder and folk music classes for older children. Mary has two music studios where she teaches children, 16 months to 8 years.








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